Acupuncture uses dry needles to stimulate specific points in the body to improve health, relieve pain
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Manual therapy is a form of physical therapy that uses manual techniques and manipulations of the
Read MoreIASTM therapy
How does it work? IASTM combines static and dynamic soft tissue manipulation with specially designed stainless
Read MoreVenus Therapy
Suction cupping is a method using suction cups (glass, plastic or silicone vessels) to create a
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Kinesiotaping is a method of applying special strips to the skin to help tone muscles, relieve
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Ultrasound therapy is a form of physical therapy that uses high-frequency sound waves for healing purposes.
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Magnetotherapy is a form of alternative treatment that uses magnetic fields for healing purposes. It is
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Cryotherapy is a therapeutic procedure that uses extremely low temperature to relieve pain, reduce inflammation and
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